5 ways the cooler months teach us about discernment

Discernment, the ability to gain perception, is a gift from God. I am so grateful for discernment from God, which has helped me make important decisions. Discernment is important; it’s that gut feeling or insight that either protects you or allows you to be prudent when making decisions. Although, as the saying goes, life comes with no manual. However, discernment from God provides a map to steady us and lead us in the right direction.

Here are five ways the cooler months teach us about discernment.

1. Change

Distinguishing between the changing seasons is synonymous with distinguishing between what’s right for you and what’s not. Discernment teaches us to accept change, and even embrace it. Once we realize that discernment is helping us through tough situations, we notice that we can make better life decisions. Oftentimes, that direction can be a change from the path we were on previously.

2. Mindfulness

Just as we begin to layer up to protect ourselves from the colder weather and be more mindful, discernment protects us and allows us to make important decisions in life when we otherwise may not be able to do so. We become mindful, more thoughtful, and refuse to settle for less in life. We stay careful and prayerful. Many people confuse discernment with being judgmental towards people and judging others. However, it’s more about judging your own surroundings, how situations make you feel, being mindful, and then figuring out how to proceed with caution.  

3. Awareness

During the fall season, we are aware of the cooler weather and colder months ahead. This awareness gives us the ability to discern, think things over, and anticipate what’s coming next. The same happens with discernment. It is finding good outcomes in situations while being alert to what is potentially not good, and the ability to separate the differences.

4. Preparation

With the winter solstice about a month away, we all know to expect colder weather and perhaps even snow, something most of us adore during the holiday seasons but perhaps dread otherwise. The frigid temperature is just around the corner. We prepare ourselves for the cold days ahead. Discernment allows us also to prepare ourselves for better outcomes in our lives by making decisions better suitable for the results within our lives. If we prepare for the best in our lives, we can aim for it, go for it, and then expect it.

5. Decisiveness

In the cooler months, we have to make decisions that will affect our health and well-being. This includes layering up when it’s cold, wearing a hat so you don’t catch a cold, and being mindful of black ice if it snows, or rain is below freezing. All of these decisions are for our own safety. We decide to do things differently to protect ourselves from the elements. Similarly, we must also protect ourselves, our mentality, our spirit, our souls, and that is done through discernment.

5 ways the sunrise teaches us to be optimistic

Every day we wake up, we have the amazing chance to see a brand-new day, one that we’ve never seen before and will never see again. As our little planet makes its way around the sun, we should all realize how small we are in the vast scheme of things. However, we all play a significant role in the world. Each morning, there is a beautiful new sunrise that we set our eyes upon, or, if you’re not an early riser, at least realize that the sunrise has happened when just waking up. The beauty of each new sunrise teaches us to be optimistic, no matter what may come our way. Tomorrow isn’t promised, but we can enjoy the beautiful view of the sunrise while we are here to see it and be grateful for each new day. Here are five ways the sunrise teaches us to be optimistic.

1. The sun isn’t new itself, but the perspective of each day is

Every morning, we don’t see a new sun, of course, but we still call it each new day. In life, it’s not always about the occurrence, but more about perspective, how we view things. We can choose to be cynical in life or optimistic. The sunrise shows us that it is in our favor to remain optimistic, no matter what may come our way. Just because a rainy or cloudy day may be ahead of us, or a day filled with smog, the sun doesn’t stop shining due to the events ahead. And those overcast days will soon pass, allowing the sun to reveal its beautiful glory. We must remain optimistic, even if there are clouds headed our way because the clouds will clear and the bad weather will pass, revealing optimism as our light to get us past any difficult times seen as bad weather in our life. The sunrise shows us that we can be optimistic and see each opportunity as new.

2. Optimism is affirmed with every sunrise

The sunrise affirms positivity within our daily lives. When we wake up and see a bright day, it affirms that there was a majestic sunrise that occurred a few hours prior. How incredible it is to see a beautiful bright sky each morning! The sunrise reminds us to see the bright side, the positive, and the good in dismal situations. What we think, we start to become and seek. If we think positively and optimistically, we will radiate positivity and that will increase our outcomes of attracting positivity in our life. It does not mean that bad things, situations, or people with bad intentions will not enter your life, it just means that having a positive perspective greatly increases your chances of keeping positivity and peace within your life. Continue to believe in yourself and your ability and stay optimistic, just as the sunrise affirms positivity and optimism every day.

3. Each new sunrise shows promise in of itself

The sunrise is a sign of optimism in itself, showing strength, warmth, and radiance. Similarly, we must remember that within ourselves, there is also that strength, flame, and vibrancy. We have to believe in these qualities within ourselves and stay optimistic throughout the process. Life doesn’t come with a manual, but it comes with the luminous sun that teaches us to be optimistic. The sun shows promise of hope, faith and optimism with each sunrise. We too, like the sunrise, can radiate hope and optimism by not allowing negativity to steal our joy or deter our sanguinity.

4. The sunrise brightens the day and gives hope

Just as a sunrise brightens the morning, optimism brightens our souls. Holding on to optimism gives us something to hope for. It allows us to start anew each day. The beauty in the sunrise is that it’s often anticipated, although also expected, so many start to take it for granted. But we can never stop being grateful for the sunrise, allowing it to give us hope for a future that is unknown. A sunrise gives us a chance to begin again and with optimism for the days ahead.

5. A sunrise each morning allows us to realize how amazing life is

The sunrise is a glorious sign of hope, rejuvenation, a new start and optimism. It teaches us to have an optimistic look at life and shows us just how amazing life really is. It allows us to keep a positive outlook on life, despite difficulties or unexpected situations that may come our way. The sunrise shows us how to brighten the view and be thankful for opportunities that come along, both expected and unexpected. Although we are quite small in the vastness of things, the sunrise shows us the significance a bright day can make. In the immeasurable regions of space, the sun may be a dot in the universe, just as we may appear on the planet, but optimism allows us to bring our amazingness and uniqueness to this world and life.

5 ways warmer weather teaches us about self-love

With June around the corner and summer nearly here, it is wonderful to see the days are staying brighter longer and the weather is getting warmer. These warm days teach us something significant about life, the fact that we should love ourselves unapologetically and unconditionally. It is so important to love oneself because it sets us up for the way we allow others to treat us. If you love yourself fully and unquestionably, you set your bar and standards high for the love you will receive from others. Here are 5 amazing ways that the warmer weather teaches us about self-love.

1. The sunshine itself is a symbol of embracing self-love

The sunshine is an incredible aspect of life. It reminds you to know your power and self-worth. Appreciate all that you are and what you have to offer yourself and to this world. It always reminds you to embrace the gift of the present day and to really reflect on the beauty and warmth of each moment while loving who you are.

2. The way the warm weather feels on our skin

There is a beautiful feeling when the warmth of the sun gently caresses your skin. It’s also a sensational feeling of giving oneself a hug and a manifestation of hope for achieving one’s dreams through action and perseverance. There is an indescribable comfort in feeling the warmth from the sun’s glow on our skin.

3. Self-love comes from within and is not found outwardly

Warmer weather gives us that warm, amazing feeling when we embrace the sunshine on our faces. This opens our minds and hearts for self-love and leaves no room for shadows and doubt. It’s almost as if the glow makes its way into your soul and creates this internal feeling of warmth. That warmth is also what you should feel internally, the feeling of self-love from within and throughout your entire being.

4. Embrace the sunshine and warmth as an act of self-appreciation and self-acceptance

On rainy days, which are a necessity in their own right, we long for sunshine even more than usual. It’s not because we don’t think sunny days aren’t ahead, but more so, it’s the process of going through the overcast, rainy days that makes us miss the sunshine even more. We appreciate the sunshine, both when we feel it on hot days and dreary days. Similarly, we should learn to love ourselves wholeheartedly and appreciate ourselves, all aspects of our being, on sunny, warm days and on cloudy, rainy days. Self-appreciation is necessary in life to realize that you, alone, are good enough, and you don’t need any other person to complete yourself. It all exists within you.

5. Do what makes your soul happy and builds upon your self-love

In the warmer weather, the flowers bloom magnificently, and the birds sing their songs majestically from early in the morning into midday. They don’t wait for other plants to bloom or creatures to sing, they just go about blossoming and singing, respectively. You have to do what makes you happy. You can wait a whole lifetime to find happiness, and will never find it, until you look within yourself, and love yourself enough to know that the happiness you seek is from within.

5 ways the nighttime teaches us about hope

In life, we can all say that we’ve been through some things or are going through some tribulations. There’s not one of us who hasn’t experienced a situation that may have been difficult to bear. Whether it involves you or a loved one, or both, it can and often will have a profound effect on one’s life.

Sometimes, the situation can be one thing, other times it feels like a chain reaction of multiple things in life. But no matter what difficulties come our way, there is always hope. After the nighttime comes a brand-new day. The darkness of night, or difficulties, allows us to fully see God’s light every morning.

As we enter into a new month, let’s remember what the nighttime allows us to hope for with each new day.

Here are five ways that the nighttime teaches us about hope.

1. In the darkness of night, light will still shine

Even in dark times, light finds its way to shine through. In the Bible, in John 1:5, it states, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” God is light. His light is the ultimate truth and perfection. It is mercy, grace and all things good. Just because He is good, doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges in life. These difficulties can represent darkness and times that are hard to see through. Despite going through dark places, we must always remember that darkness can never overcome the light, which will always find its way to shine.

2. After the nighttime comes a new sunrise

Every evening as the sun sets and night falls, it is reassuring to know that in a few hours, there will be a new sunrise. This represents hope. Despite not knowing what the new day will bring, we know that it comes after the darkness has ended. It is this expectation and anticipation at night that produces hope.

3. The stars shine brightest in the darkness of night

Although hope isn’t something you can see necessarily or physically touch, it is essential to our very core being and essence. When we experience trials and tribulations, which all of us have and will, we must remember that analogously, you can’t see any majestic stars out in the night sky without it being extremely dark outside. Whether manmade lights are turned on outdoors, or it’s still too early in the day, you won’t be able to see the beautiful stars shining brightly without darkness to make them stand out. It is in this darkness, that we can reflect on our lives and still let our light shine, despite difficult or overwhelming situations. Stand out even on dark days and with hope, shine bright.

4. The light of the moon at night doesn’t detract from the light of the sun in the daytime

When night falls, we can see the moon shining in the sky, something beautiful in its own right. The night sky can be inspiring when you realize the vastness of the universe and the mysterious glow of the enigmatic moon. The moonlight is quite radiant, but at the same time also very mellow. It shines with brilliance and is recognizable at nighttime. Synonymously, just like the moonlight, you have to realize the amazing gifts and talents God gave you and know that you can shine. Never stop shining and never lose hope.

5. We know that tomorrow is not promised, but we still hope for it the day before

Every night, we go to sleep, not knowing if our eyes will open and our hearts will beat for the next day. But we still close our eyes, steady our hearts and we sleep anyways. That is hope through the night. As Vincent Van Gogh once stated, “For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me want to dream.” Nothing in life is promised or certain. However, that is why we have hope. It allows us to stay optimistic and have expectations for each new day.

It is hope that gives us the strength to keep going despite difficulties. Hope is believing that God will fulfill His promise and knowing that He will.

3 ways to “March” into Spring with new perspective

Seeing things from a different perspective in life can give us a unique understanding of various factors from specific points of view. Having a perspective suitable for the expected outcome can create feelings of positivity and provide an optimistic outlook on life. During the springtime, when you tell yourself that there will be brighter days, that is a matter of perspective and fact when you consider the longer days and warmer temperatures that spring brings.

No longer will it be getting dark outside in the late afternoon, and we can now wake up hearing the birds chirping, with the days being brighter for extended periods of time. Although this is true, it is also a matter of perspective.

As March comes to an end, and spring has just begun, here are three ways to “March” into spring with a new perspective.

1. Surround yourself with positivity

In the spring, we start to see different beautiful flowers make their debut. Some of us enjoy gardening and planting them, while others enjoy the view and watching them add beauty to this world. Just as flowers are beginning to bloom, it’s nature’s way of showing us that we must also blossom and grow, despite any situation that may come our way.

We must flourish and find a way to bloom. In doing so, we have to surround ourselves with positivity to reach our full potential and ignore any naysayers along the way. Surround yourself with the beauty of positivity, which could include positive words, people or intentions. Staying positive is essential in life and provides us with the confidence to face each new day.

2. Do it anyways

During the springtime, the first alarm we often hear in the morning is an assured chirping bird outside our windowsill. Nobody asked the birds to sing at the break of dawn, but they sing their melodious songs, anyways. They don’t need anyone’s approval to start chirping. We have to be more like the positive birds that are singing for the world to hear, even if not asked for. Be bold and fearless. Do it anyways.

If there is something we want to say or do, that is positive or rightfully so, we should do it anyways, regardless of what others think. Overall, what matters is what we think of ourselves and not so much others’ opinions of us. The same can be said about beautiful flowers. The blossoms don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but they continue to bloom. They do it anyways.

3. Hope

Spring teaches us to have hope and to not be deterred by what is before us, but rather to look ahead to new chances for growth and opportunity. Spring allows us to believe in the hope that we all must hold onto, despite the past frigid cold temperatures in the winter or the future sweltering heat in the summer. Hope is often seen as a bright light. After the extended dark hours in the winter, the light of spring provides us with anticipated hope and joy.

In the Bible, Romans 15:13 states “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” This verse powerfully proclaims another name for God, as the God of hope. It goes on to request that we also prosper in a spirit of hope. Just as the newly budding flowers in the springtime open their petals for the hope of the new day, we too must learn to be and remain hopeful.